Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sarah Palin: “Newt Gingrich would clobber Barack Obama in a debate” The Last Tradition says a fat sloppy looking white guy has no shot

I love Sarah but I think a lot of my fellow conservatives are debate obsessed to a “blind spot”.

Yes, Newt is a great debater but he has some body language quirks that would sink him against Barack Obama a lot of people aren’t picking up on.

Gateway Pundit reports Sarah Palin told Judge Jeanine Pirro [last night] that Newt Gingrich is the best Republican candidate who can articulate solutions the best.

“Newt Gingrich would clobber Obama.”

Newt has a nasty habit of looking pissed off whenever somebody says something he doesn’t like. That’s not a good thing against a debate with Barack Obama.

How one comes across on TV is a huge factor too many conservatives are totally ignoring about Newt.
The three debates against Obama will be about more than just the substance of the rhetoric.

Let’s be honest, Newt Gingrich is a old, out of shape, not particularly good looking white guy against a slim and good looking African American president. For political junkies like me, such superficial comparison holds no water. But for 100 million Americans who watch the Jersey Shore, or The Factor, or the Biggest Loser, Obama wins the debate before a word comes out of his mouth. Newt’s slovenly appearance is a big distraction.

So, Sarah Palin and a lot of other conservatives better wake up and realize that life is not fair and Newt will be disqualified by millions even before 1 billion dollars hammers his baggage.

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