Jim DeMint rightly points out that Mitt Romney showed toughness in Florida that convinced voters he could take it to Obama.
The Blaze reports S.E. Cupp and the Blaze panel sat down with Senator Jim DeMint during Thursday’s “Real News From The Blaze” to discuss the 2012 election, particularly Romney’s success with Tea Partiers in the Florida Primary. Of Romney, DeMint said, “he showed that he could stand tough” in Florida and “that’s what made the difference in my mind.”
“I‘m glad we dispelled this myth that Tea Partiers won’t support Romney.”
Is Mitt Romney the perfect candidate? Not even close. But, he’s a better package than Newt. Electing one guy to the presidency doesn’t fix what’s broken. A GOP president is a good start. However, what’s necessary is electing true conservatives around him in the Senate and the House.
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