Monday, January 23, 2012

Romney again questions Gingrich’s ethics and character at Florida rally. Demands Gingrich release documents House ethics report and Freddie Mac contract

For the second time in three days Romney is continuing a new line of attack calling on Gingrich to release documents pertaining to House ethics probe that compelled him to pay $300,000 fine.  Also, he calling on Gingrich to release his contract with Freddie Mac in which Gingrich has said he did not lobby for.   
L.A. Times reports Mitt Romney opened an aggressive new phase of the Republican presidential campaign as he cruised into Florida on Sunday night — casting Newt Gingrich as an unethical politician whose temperament and unreliability led to his ouster as speaker of the House in the 1990s.
After a week in which he conceded his Iowa win to Rick Santorum after a recount and lost to Gingrich by double digits in South Carolina, Romney acknowledged that the Republican contest had become a three-man race. But he took a much tougher tone toward Gingrich – directly raising the ethics investigation that Gingrich faced in the 1990s and demanding that Gingrich provide an accounting for the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
We’re not choosing a talk show host," Romney said, alluding to his rival’s strong debate performances that helped shift momentum in his favor in South Carolina. "We’re choosing the person who should be leader of the free world.”
He went on to list what he described as the qualities of a leader: integrity, sobriety, judgment, thoughtfulness, reliability and high ethical standards. “You’re going to have to look at that as Floridians and decide which of the people running for president on our side of the aisle includes the qualities of leadership.” 
 More here
I haven’t heard anything yet about Gingrich releasing those documents.  

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