Friday, January 27, 2012

Hooked on chicken nuggets: Girl, Stacey Irvine, 17, who has eaten nothing else since age TWO rushed to hospital after collapsing

I can eat turkey wings every day, if I could get away with it for maybe a week. I can’t fathom doing that for 17 years.

Chicken McNuggets?
That’s really a strange choice to eat every day.

Daily Mail reports ever since she was a toddler, Stacey Irvine has eaten little else but chicken nuggets and the occasional portion of chips.

Now, at the age of 17, she has been warned by doctors to change her appalling diet or die.

The factory worker – who says she has never tasted fresh fruit or vegetables – had to be taken to hospital earlier this week when she collapsed after struggling to breathe.

Doctors found that her 15-year ‘chronic chicken nugget addiction’ has left her with anaemia and inflamed veins on her tongue.

So deficient was her body in vitamins and nutrients that she had to be injected with them.

More here

What kind of parents does this girl have?

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