Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Banana Republic is Designing Wine Bottles for the Holidays

I guess Banana Republic wanted to jump on the collaboration train, but chose to take their partnership in a different direction. I'm feeling it...

via WWD: Collaborations in fashion are all the rage these days. That’s why I have a bottle of Evian water that was designed by French fashion house Courrèges on my desk. But I couldn’t help hiccupping at the latest attempt to broaden the audience for a clothing retailer: Banana Republic has designed bottles for Clos du Bois wines—for the holidays. 

 Billed as the “perfect hostess gift”—and what hostess wouldn’t want a fashion sketch on the wine she serves—the 2010 chardonnay will wear a little black dress designed by Banana Republic creative director Simon Kneen, and will be priced $16.99. The 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon, priced at $18.99, will wear a red full-skirted frock by Mr. Kneen. 

 Wait! There’s more! Each bottle will come with a code that allows consumers to stream a “custom party soundtrack. Literally a party in a bottle!” the press release says.